Why We Created A New Strength Class and What It's About
Your average workout typically has a top-down or bottom-up approach, meaning we train the muscles we can see. It’s not until something lands us in physical therapy that we start to appreciate our bodies in layers when the conversation turns more toward stabilizers, the pelvic floor, intrinsic muscles and small muscle groups. I’ve traveled this path myself and am so much better off for it. So much better, in fact, that we have designed a special strength class that strengthens you to the core, quite literally.
Here’s why: Outside physical therapy, there really isn’t anywhere to go to develop our bodies using this inside-out approach, nor is it considered central to a good and regular fitness routine. We want to change that.
Physical therapy, more often than not, is relied on after a problem presents itself, and almost always focuses on one area. If you are not strong “in layers,” inherent weaknesses remain hidden and can lead to imbalances, injuries and pain. So as quick as we are to say that being tight sucks, so too is it true that being weak hurts. Our goal is to train the body to be strong and flexible, and we have unique ways of doing it, hence, the new class.
Primarily, we exercise the muscles closest to the axial and appendicular skeleton. The best way to describe it, as our customers often do, is that it feels like we are strengthening the muscles that hold us together. And we are. Moreover, when you do that, you enhance the development of your extrinsic musculature, your joints, your stability and so much more.
Put into a structure, the class wakes up muscles all over your body that are typically asleep, and when you do that, you get this really cool, warm, secure feeling. Kind of like how thermal underwear feels on your skin, under your clothes in cold weather. Nice and cozy.
The exercises themselves follow one central theme with 5 points that we apply throughout the whole class:
- Find it.
- Access it.
- Bring it to consciousness.
- Exercise it.
- Strengthen it.
Hey, it’s like going to physical therapy, but for your whole body!
You may also enjoy reading, Flexibility Training For Personal Trainers, Explained.
Meanwhile, we hope you’ll join us on Facebook and Instagram.
Lastics is the only stretching method with transformational techniques that teach you how to significantly & safely improve your flexibility. Born from the world of dance and made for all levels, Lastics Stretch is loved by everyone!
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